Tuesday, October 30, 2007

AGUA Guest Presentation

On Friday, October,19th,2007 our Humanities class had a guest speaker named Elizabeth Earnley. She is a young women who works on the AGUA Association, which stands for Aquifer Guardians in Urban areas. This association is made up of a group of people who focus on keeping our water system safe and well preserved.The young women seemed to be very enthusiastic about her job and seemed to be devoted to it as well. During her presentation Ms. Earnley spoke about the Edwards Aquifer and how we as a community can help to keep our water system safe. Ms. Earnley gave the class information on how developers get a certain plan approved or denied. The city council of San Antonio is responsible for approving or denying any activity on the recharge zone. The city council has a very huge responsibility on what and where developers can develop their businesses. The AGUA commitee focuses on helping regulate how much impervious coverage will be used in a specific project before construction can take place. The committe of AGUA is soley concerned with keeping our water source free of contamination,so that our city and surrounding areas who utilize this precious water source may remain safe, healthy and free of any hazardous chemicals and or pollutants. Ms. Earnley told the class that we as the community of San Antonio can help to make a change in what and where projects get approved if we only get informed and make an effort to attend city council meetings. The community as a whole can make a difference if we all stick together and defend what is ours. Our words and actions can make a difference if we put our time and effort into protecting our precious watersource.

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