Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Alamo, deep in the heart of Texas

The Alamo is a Texas historical landmark. It's history goes as far back as the 1700's. It was established in the year 1718. This amazingly structured building is located in the downtown part of the beautiful city of San Antonio. I payed a visit to the Alamo, on Wednesday,September 26th,2007. It was late afternoon, around 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining with great power. Although the temperature felt very warm, the climate was decent enough to endure.

While on my visit to this beautiful historical landmark, I was exploring ancient battle grounds. "Remember the Alamo", is something most Texans have heard time and time again, but what does it really mean? As I walked the grounds of the Alamo I was walking the exact grounds that were once a battlefield for freedom. Two army's from two distinctive cultures battled here for what they believed was rightful.

Many men fought in the "Battle of the Alamo", but only the winning army is
portrayed as hereos. There is always two sides to every story and only when you hear the other side is when you know what the truth may be? "Remember the Alamo", is a saying that goes way back into time, and will continue to be heard by our future generations. Next time you here this phrase, remember all the men who died for their freedom and ours. The truth may never be complete,but only be told by two perspectives. The "Battle of the Alamo",was long ago, but has left a great impact in history and that is the truth. Anyone who is a native Texan or a native Mexican is part of the Alamo, and should "Remember the Alamo"; for it is part of your history and heritage.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Espada Dam, a Life Source

The Espada Dam is a beautiful historical sight. It is located just a little over a mile from Mission San Franciscio de la Espada. The dam was constructed in about the year 1745, during the time of the Franciscians. This was the time in which the Spaniards were trying to convert the indigenous into the Christian faith. This past Saturday, September 15th, 2007 I had the pleasure of visiting The Espada Dam.

I arrived around 1:45p.m that afternoon. The day had turned out to be a beautiful one. The climate that day was a bit on the hot side, but tolerable. I was on my way to explore the magnificant Dam built by the Native Americans, over 250 years ago. As I walked down my path to get a closer view of the dam, I could not help but think that these exact same grounds were once traveled on by the Native Americans and Spaniards who could very well be my own ancestors.

As I came at closer range to the Espada Dam, the sound of rushing water became louder. The sound was so very relaxing to me. It came almost as music to my ears. The area surroundings were all so breathtaking. All was beautiful and peaceful to admire. The grounds were surrounded by so many huge beautiful trees. The grass was so thick and green, but very itchy. Even though the grass was itchy and the mesquitos were biting, this enormous body of landscape brought on a sense of calmness. Along the dam there were many rocks of many sizes and shapes. There were also a steady amount of people walking a trail along side the dam. Bicyclists were also in the areas nearby, debating whether they should cross over the rushing waters onto the otherside of the dam.

In the waters I saw some really pretty white birds, I don't know the exact name of them but none the less they were drinking the water, that was once the main source of life for the Native Americans and the Spaniards. These waters were at one point in time not only used as a drinking source but also used by the Natives and the Spaniards for many other tasks. Bathing, cooking, and washing of garments were also other tasks that required this water source. These exact waters contained by the Dam,flow and channel through canals about 270 feet long. The San Antonio River is where these waters originate from, but because of the hard work of the indigenous people the water runs along a wide stretch of land.Long ago these waters were used for many activities. But in my opinion,I feel that the most important task that these waters were and still are used for is irrigation. To the present day farmers of the nearby lands still use this source to irrigate their crops.

Espada Dam is an amazing sight,it is not only a main source from which area farmers irrigate their crops, but just about the most beautiful sight there is on the southside of San Antonio. The Dam was built with alot of hard work and effort and we as the community should see that we take a part in preserving it. Let us as a community keep it clean and free of any debris. The people of these lands long ago used these waters as a main source of life, and still today we continue to utilize it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mission San Francisco de la Espada

Today, present day is September 11TH,2007. I am posting these lines into my blog as an assignment for class. This past Friday I along with other classmates visited Mission San Francisco de la Espada. Mission Espada is located in the far southside of San Antonio. It is one of several other missions established in the surrounding areas. Mission Espada was established in the 1700's, in around 1731. It stands along the banks of the San Antonio River. At first glance, as I first approached the mission; I felt a serene sense of tranquility. The area is an almost empty continent of wilderness, except for a few homes and a headstart daycare center that now exist in this almost rural area. Mission Espada was a a small town where the Spaniards main purpose was to convert as many Native Americans as possible, into the Christian faith.The Spaniards believed that the only real faith was the Christian faith. In order to convert the Native Americans, the Spaniards in a sense adopted the Natives but in the process robbed them of their culture, heritage, and self identity.The mission consisted of everythying needed to survive in life but not as the indians knew life to be. The grounds still hold alot of what was constructed in the town. The Church still stands and services are still conducted there on a regular basis.People from all over the world travel to San Antonio to attend the services.The church bell was used back then to call the people of the town together for services. To this day it is still rang for the same purpose. The church door has sort of a mystery to it. It is told that the mason who began construction of the door left it unfinished due to the fact that he fled from the town. It is believed that he fled because he killed a man over a women. That is the reason for the Church door not being as wide as a church door should be. That there is truth to this I do not know but that is how the story goes. Another great legend that was left to our new world was indeed the Acequia. The Acequia is a water system that was used back in the mission days.It was the main water supply of the Spaniards and the Native Americans. To this day it is still the main source in which the area farmers get their water supply to irrigate their land. After about 80 years of existence the mission's population slowly began to decline.The Native Americans and the Spaniards who once resided on this beautiful land were now slowly dieing from disease and were also fleeing to new grounds. The Mission San Francisco de la Espada was abandoned and left for forgotten after 80 years of life, but left behind a legacy of heritage, culture and roots. Mission Espada might have ceased,but contiues to live through the people of the area lands.